As part of the Business Development team at ShiftWizard, I talk to a lot of healthcare professionals who are struggling with their scheduling process. They typically reach out to me when their frustrations are high and their problems seem impossible to solve. Surprisingly, many are still using paper spreadsheets in their attempt to manage schedules.
The easiest part of my job is to quickly alleviate those frustrations.
Of course, ShiftWizard can solve your issues with scheduling. Our solution was designed by nurses with intimate knowledge of your frustrations. It’s our “been there-done that”, hands-on experience that sets us apart. Unlike other solutions, which were created for other industries, we are solely focused on solving the problems in healthcare scheduling.
But, the best part of my job is talking about everything else ShiftWizard can do.
Communication is a Key Component to Efficient Scheduling
You may not even realize how improving communication within your hospital can reduce costs. But it can.
Notifying your staff of a last-minute hole in the schedule can be a tedious process. Spending hours working down a printed list of staff phone numbers, calling or texting one after another, is time-consuming.
- How many team members actually answer or respond?
- How many hours are you spending to fill one deficient shift?
- Are you making an informed decision in filling that shift or just trying to plug a hole quickly?
ShiftWizard recognizes that unexpected schedule changes occur on a regular basis and our built-in communication module was developed to simplify that process.
With the ShiftWizard communication module, you can easily filter your staff based on:
- Shift type
- Skill set
- Availability
- Potential overtime hours
- All of the above and more…
Then, with a couple of clicks, you can email, text or voice message (or all three!) your staff in seconds. Yes, seconds.
Our Clients Say They Fill Their Open Shifts Within 3 to 5 Minutes.
“I can quickly send one message to all 45 of my labor and delivery nurses, saying I need someone to come in for an emergency, fill an open shift, etc. and they can respond in real-time.”
- Scott Staup, RN
Labor & Deliver Nurse Manager
Naval Hospital Camp Lejuene
“Before, I would have to call all 10 charge nurses, each one would have to look at their schedule and then get back to me. Now, I can click on a tab in ShiftWizard and see everyone who is in overtime. That ability had created a significant time savings.”
- Jennifer Lampert
Assistant Director of Nursing
Deaconess Gateway Hospital
Technology Makes Keeping up with Policy and Procedure Changes a Breeze
This is a powerful communication tool and can be used for a variety of reasons to save both time and resources.
How do you currently alert your staff of an urgent Policy and Procedure change?
Many nurses and administrators that I have spoken with say their facility uses a paper process to record when each staff member has read the new policy or procedure. Typically, staff will sign a paper “sign-up” sheet as acknowledgment of reviewing the change. These signatures are then kept in a book on a shelf as a paper record.
Yet another process that takes a great deal of oversight and paper, paper, paper.
In ShiftWizard, with just a few clicks, you can send an internal and external urgent alert notification of this policy and procedure change to your entire staff – or to a specific subset of your staff. You can also attach the document or PDF to the alert.
Your staff will receive their message the next time they log in to their ShiftWizard calendar and must acknowledge receipt with an electronic signature. Once complete, management has the date and time stamp of the read receipt and a complete digital record for future record keeping.
Our team at ShiftWizard believes hospital staff should spend their time delivering the best patient care – not on phone calls and paperwork.
Read More:
Fostering a Culture of Nurse Leadership
Boosting Staff Engagement May Improve the Bottom Line
Can Technology Solve the Nursing Shortage?
Founded by Nurses, For Healthcare – The History of ShiftWizard