In Case You Missed It …
E. coli outbreak sickens 72 people in 5 states, CDC says
Friday, April 5
E. coli has sickened 72 people and hospitalized 8 across five states, the CDC said Friday. Health officials have not pinpointed a specific food, grocer or restaurant as the source.
Study Reveals Alarming Statistics on Nurse Burnout
Sunday, April 7
The National Nursing Engagement Report findings from a sample of 2,000 healthcare partners revealed an alarming 15.6% of nurses are feeling burned out. 50% said they had no plans to leave their organization.
Nurses Strike in New York: Threat Increases Over ‘Safe Staffing’ Levels
Saturday, March 30
In New York, the three hospital systems, negotiating collectively as the New York City Hospital Alliance, have refused to agree to ratios or other limits on nurses’ workloads. Executives of the hospitals prefer a more fluid approach to allocating nurses based on the needs of patients at any given time. The alliance claims that the three systems have added 2,000 nurses over the past four years.

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