In Case You Missed It …
Friday, September 7
IFL Science
In a bid to combat the exorbitant, greed-driven pricing schemes of pharmaceutical companies and increase the availability of essential generic medications, seven large American hospital chains have joined forces to form a new non-profit drug company.
Update on the JFK Airport Quarantine
Thursday, September 6
Popular Science
A new statement from the CDC says of the 11 passengers taken to the hospital, “Preliminary tests indicate that some patients tested positive for influenza and/or other common respiratory viruses.” They are being treated.
It’s Flu Season!
Thursday, September 6
NY Times
It’s that time of year again. The American Academy of Pediatrics is recommending that everyone older than 6 months get a flu shot for the 2018-19 season as soon as it is available, preferably before the end of October.
CDC issues first guidelines to treat youth concussions
Tuesday, September 4
More than 800,000 children seek treatment for traumatic brain injury every year. The issue has become more pressing as youth sports have grown in popularity and because research has shown that repeated blows to the head, such as from playing football or heading a soccer ball, can lead to long-term memory loss, dementia and other serious health issues.
California to ban health insurance that doesn’t cover pre-existing conditions
Tuesday, September 4
The Sacramento Bee
California is poised to become the first state in the nation to ban cheap, short-term health insurance plans pushed by the Trump administration as a low-cost alternative to Obamacare.